Health Checkup

Investigation Included In Whole Body Checkup

          Micro albuminuria

Investigation included in well woman checkup

         Blood grouping & rh-typing
         Complete haemogram
         Ultrasoud abdomen
         Breast examination
         Consultation with gynecologist
         Pap smear and mammography
         X- ray chest
         Urine,stool(routine examination)
         Family planning advice
         Ultrasound breast(screening)
         Blood sugar(fasting & pp)

Investigation Included in child health checkup

         Blood grouping &rh-typing
         Complete haemogram
         Urine analysis
         Feces examination routine
         Mantoux test
         Dental examination by consultant
         Hearing test by audiologist

Kalaignar Kappeetu Thittam & star Health Insurance Scheme

         General surgery